

Monty and Austin are going to San Diego Comic-Con this year. Austin decided he would dress up as Ezio Auditore da Firenze- the main character in the game he is playing (Assassin's Creed). After much searching we found a woman who makes Ezio costumes by hand and we placed an order. It took two months and Austin checked the mail every day of those two months!

There was no denying any plans for the day were about to be blown off so we could go take pictures in Austin- uh, I mean Ezio's- new duds.

Monty suggested the Palace of Fine Arts, which has a very Italian feel to it. With that we were off!


Searching for Templars in even the highest...

..and most impossible places.

He was able to blend in with a group of school kids and no one was alerted to his presence.

UNTIL! Rodrigo Borgia threw a knife into his heart! Thankfully he lived to fight another day.

Leonardo DaVinci is a main character in Assassin's Creed. He is the inventor that makes all kinds of cool tools for Ezio and his friend. From this connection we have learned that Leonardo DaVinci was not allowed to go to school because his parents were not married and was therefore mostly self taught.

Later when I was making dinner Austin showed me this part where Ezio asks, "What's a matter you, Altiar?" which reminded of this song I heard while sitting in line to cross the Bay Bridge on April Fool's Day.


Connections, connections, connections.

I really feel like we all would have missed out on lots of shared experiences, knowledge and time together if I had said, "No, you can't play that game! I don't like it!" or "It's too violent!" I got past the fear and we are all happier for it.


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